I took Greyson in to get his 4 month shots today and found out that he has a respiratory infection and it's bad enough to need breathing treatments. So, I have to do a breathing treatment every 4 hours for the next week. I was just in there Saturday and he just sounded stuffy. This time it was actually something she could hear in his chest. So, we did a breathing treatment of Albuterol in the nebulizer. He seemed like it was so fun. He just kept looking at me with that mask on his face and smiling. So, it made me feel a little bit better. She came in and checked him after the treatment and noticed a big difference when she checked his chest again.
After all of that, it was time for his shots. I can't watch them do it. I was upset all day at work thinking about having to take him to get them. The worst part is that he's in a great mood and smiling and then all of a sudden these two nurses come in and stab him at the same time. So, 2 shots on each leg. After they were done with the 1st round, I could just hear it take his breath away. His face was beat red and he couldn't even cry it had him so worked up. Then it was time for another round. I felt so sorry for him. I just scooped him off the table as soon as they were done. I kept saying, "Awww, what did those nurses do to you?" He never did respond, LOL.

On a good note, he is 17 lbs already and she said he is proportioned well. She wants me to start feeding him rice every night so he can get a fuller belly before bedtime. Then in 2 weeks it's baby food time. We have to start with veggies. So, today I made a special trip and bought some peas and carrots. I will let you know how that goes later!!!