Jan 6, 2009

I knew he was being too quiet......

I was checking my emails and I was thinking he was being so quiet for too long. I went to check on him and this is what he was doing.....loading up his crib. I guess he figures if it's too full with stuff he won't be able to sleep in it. If you look close enough you'll see he even went as far as putting a quarter on his blue coat. He emptied his whole bottom drawer of clothes and threw a few toys in there with it.

Oh yeah, I put the side back on. Last night I let him cry it out in his room for almost an hour. I was so crushed by his sweet little "Mommy, I wanna hold you's" I went and got him and he slept with us. Tonight he has been in there for about 20 minutes whining. He stops and then starts back up. He used to do so good with just going right to sleep when I put him in his bed, but Carlos spoiled that in the summer when he'd come home late from work and miss Greyson. He started letting him come to bed with him so he could snuggle with him. But, it's become a habit and he doesn't sleep next to Carlos, he has to sleep practically ON ME. I am not sleeping good at night because of this. Carlos is just snoring away.......BTW, he's still crying and now he's saying he has a "nucky" nose (yucky).......hahaha...my, my, my....

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