Jan 21, 2009
Poop is on my last nerve
I have had it with Greyson's poop. The last couple days Greyson laughs when I wipe his poopy butt. It must be tickling him. So, that's made it really hard for me because he picking his butt up and laughing hysterically when I touch his butt with a wet wipe. Well today he says, "I'm poopin Mommy." Well about 10 seconds later I see him digging in his diaper. He has poop all over his finger...gross. So, I change him and does it again. So round two, we've changed another one and washed our hands. Free from poop now. Carlos gets home and gets in the shower. He comes out and says, "Alicia, come look at this hurry." So I run in the bedroom. He has Carlos boots on. We're laughing and smiling at him. I look closer and Greyson has poop all over his leg. I get him out of these huge shoes and he has it all over his fingers, back of leg and all over his heel and foot. Then I handed Carlos his boot. It had poop in it...stinky! How do you get rid of that smell? So that's my night. Sounds fun huh. All of this reminds me of how perfect he is when he's sleeping. Awww.

Jan 18, 2009
Jan 12, 2009
Prayers for Tami

My sister Tami had a full hysterectomy and a hernia repair today. She is in a lot of pain and I am asking for lots of prayers so she will feel better fast. Something you won't see Tami do is cry, and tonight Tami cried. She was hurting so bad. I don't like seeing my sister like that. She is usually THE ROCK. She put this surgery off as long as she could. I am so glad it's over with. I just pray that these next few weeks she will feel better than expected and feel like herself quickly. Thank you for your prayers in advance.
Jan 11, 2009
Jan 6, 2009
I knew he was being too quiet......
I was checking my emails and I was thinking he was being so quiet for too long. I went to check on him and this is what he was doing.....loading up his crib. I guess he figures if it's too full with stuff he won't be able to sleep in it. If you look close enough you'll see he even went as far as putting a quarter on his blue coat. He emptied his whole bottom drawer of clothes and threw a few toys in there with it.

Oh yeah, I put the side back on. Last night I let him cry it out in his room for almost an hour. I was so crushed by his sweet little "Mommy, I wanna hold you's" I went and got him and he slept with us. Tonight he has been in there for about 20 minutes whining. He stops and then starts back up. He used to do so good with just going right to sleep when I put him in his bed, but Carlos spoiled that in the summer when he'd come home late from work and miss Greyson. He started letting him come to bed with him so he could snuggle with him. But, it's become a habit and he doesn't sleep next to Carlos, he has to sleep practically ON ME. I am not sleeping good at night because of this. Carlos is just snoring away.......BTW, he's still crying and now he's saying he has a "nucky" nose (yucky).......hahaha...my, my, my....
Jan 3, 2009
Greyson no longer has a crib....
well he does but I took the side off of it. We have been talking about buying him a toddler bed. The only reason we haven't is because he hasn't tried to climb out of his crib once, never, zip, zero, none. So, we felt like it wasn't hurting to keep him in there. Tonight he was trying to put his doll in there so he could put the doll to sleep, like any other good Daddy would do, right? Anyway, it was too high because of the rails. I decided to take it off and voile look what we have here, a toddler bed. He loves it. His sheets were in the washer when I took these pictures. But, he keeps saying "Look at my big boy bed!" What will we be in for tonight??? I hope to get to take some pictures of him sleeping in it in the morning, that's if he doesn't end up in our bed. That's a whole other story....

Jan 2, 2009
New Years Eve was a blast!
I won't make this long. Just wanted to share some pictures of our fun time from New Years Eve in our garage, haha. We had 2 Wii's here, so the adults had one in the garage and the kids were in my living room with theirs. It couldn't have been any better, really. My sister is a nut. The more she drinks the nuttier she gets, if that's possible.
Tami and Ang were doing some old school stuff..like shimmy shimmy coco puff..
Tami and Ang were doing some old school stuff..like shimmy shimmy coco puff..

Tami is behind them holding the hats on their heads, haha
Greyson watching himself on YouTube
We were watching old videos of him and his face was so cute I decided to record him.
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