Aug 26, 2007


was such a good day for us as a family. We didn't even go anywhere. Carlos and I cleaned the house and BBQ'ed early. Carlos played with Greyson so much today. He was down on the floor acting like a 1 year old with Greyson, LOL. He was showing Greyson how to do flips and when Greyson was crawling, Carlos was over the top of him on all fours crawling with him. At one time Carlos even had a paci in his mouth acting like Greyson. So, I snapped a couple pictures, I know I don't usually do that. It was an eye opener though. I am thankful for my life and I feel very blessed to be me. I loved watching my husband have so much fun with our son, acting goofy and giving tons of hugs and kisses. God is amazing.

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