What a day we had yesterday! This is probably going to be a long post so you might wanna get up and stretch every now and then!! There were so many people there to celebrate Greyson's 1st birthday and I want to thank everyone for that first of all!!!
We started off with eating Mostaciolli and a Caesar salad and then it was off to opening presents. Lots of presents! Lots of FUN presents! He got so many musical toys he doesn't know which one to play with first. I didn't get any pictures of him opening presents because I was the one opening them. I had a friend recording it for me with the camcorder and forgot to have someone take pictures with my camera..agh! Greyson's birthday decorations were from the movie Ratatouille. What a cute theme. Here is a couple pictures of Greyson with his chef party hat on!!

Mom and Kylie (my niece) made Greyson his very own little cake to destroy. Well that's what I hoped he would do but he never did. He would touch it and then almost just look at his fingers like uh oh I have something on my fingers I better lick it off. My Mom thinks I don't let him get dirty enough so he doesn't know how to, LOL. We had to eventually stick his fingers in it..hahaha. Here is a video of
Greyson with his cake

After he got all messy with his cake I had to take him straight to the tub. Aunt Tam was playing with his hair and putting it in a Mow hawk. Yesterday he also found his
stuff if you know what I mean. Yep, he found it in the tub. He was yanking so hard, I thought it would fall off. Tami and I were laughing so hard. So, I guess you turn a year and all sorts of new things start. Oh man it was funny.

After the party we hung out with everyone for a while and it started pouring down. Greyson and I braved it to the car and went home. He didn't make it 2 minutes in the car before he was out. He'd had enough fun and his eye lids were too heavy.

When we got home he heard the doggies barking at the door and his legs started kicking, he was ready to get up. I was ready to put him to bed...it was 8:00. But, he wasn't tired so I put him in his highchair so I could open up some of his toys so he could look at them. He got a
tool bench, a toy cookie jar, a Mickey Mouse doll, a basketball toy that he can throw the balls into, a toy vacuum, and on and on. I can't think of everything.

This morning I woke up and Carlos wasn't in bed anymore, I went downstairs to find them on the couch together. This just melts me and takes my breath away. I want this to last forever.