Aug 10, 2006


So, my Dr calls me at 9am this morning and my blood work showed no Pre-eclampsia. Part of me was hoping something would come of this, but I am glad that things are good. So, now the newest plan is to have an amnio done on Greyson's lungs on August 24th and hope that his lungs are ready and if they are then it's baby time!!! So, I am praying that his lungs will be mature enough so he can make his entrance into this world. Please keep us in your prayers. I have a good feeling that his lungs are ready now, LOL but I can wait 2 more weeks. I'll only be 38 weeks then....agggghhhh!!! COME ON GREYSON, practice breathing buddy!!!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, girl - how many 4D ultrasounds have you gotten? Does your doctor do those normally? GEESH!

Good luck. I can't wait!

AliciaDawn said...

No this is just another picture I had from the last time I paid for it. I was saving it for another post.

Anonymous said...

OH, okay - I was like, DANG GIRL! So how are you feeling today?

AliciaDawn said...

I'm just ready. What can I say, I am tired of complaining really. Not that I had a good body before, but I can't wait to get MY body back.