Aug 28, 2006

Greyson has arrived!

I am home and doing very well. My doctor said I looked like I was doing so well that I got to come home early. I can't say much obviouslly as I have my lil one who's sleeping and I need to be also. I have lots to say really but right now isn't the time. But, I will say things went VERY WELL, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!!! Here are some pics for now. Of course I have lots more than this but I wanted you all to see my sweet, precious Greyson nowwwwwww!!!! I think I really like him and I'm gonna keep him......I'm in love!
Greyson was 7lbs 12oz and was 20 inches long


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you, mommy and daddy! Greyson is absolutely beautiful. His hair is so perfect, he looks like he was born with a haircut - however you did that, I'm impressed!

Glad you're home and taking care of yourself and your bundle!

Love, Rachel

AliciaDawn said...

Thank you Rachel. I am just loving the TAR out of him!!!!!

AliciaDawn said...

I always say I, and I really mean we, Carlos is loving the tar out of him also, LOL

Anonymous said...

Mommy must be BUUUUSSSSYYY!! Haven't heard from you in a while...hope you, Carlos and Greyson are settling in and doing well. Thinking about ya!

AliciaDawn said...

Thanks Rachel, things are good even the poopy diapers, LOL. I can't wait till it's your turn!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet you're having a GREAT time! I can't wait until it's my turn too. How's the sleeping coming along?

Amanda Noel said...

He is SO adorable! Congratulations. Keep those adorable pics coming. You look great, by the way! :)