Nov 18, 2007

A couple of things....

Does your husband pee in the shower? I know gross, right? I was reading my friends myspace blog this morning and she said her husband said he pees in the shower. He said that every guy does it and they are lying if they say they don't. So, I'm cooking breakfast this morning and I asked Carlos if he pees in the shower. He said No. Then I told him about the blog and said well maybe sometimes. I told him that was gross and I felt like I needed to go scrub the bath tub now. He said, "Well if it makes you clean more then I'll start doing it every day."
Nice if you guys are wondering why I'm not on as much it's because I'm confined to the bathroom cleaning...haha

The second thing is that I made a wreath for Christmas yesterday and I really like it. Just wanted to show how it turned out!


Huse Yo Mama said...

If it makes you feel any better, urine is sterile. So, no need to clean up after his pee. JD does it too. And yeah, I think they all do. JD thinks it's funny that we all think it's gross.

And that wreath looks GREAT! When do I get mine? :-)

AliciaDawn said...

When you coming back to the Lou? I will make you one!!!