I can barely believe how fast Greyson is growing. Two months from today my baby will be a year old...aahhhhh! He is saying bye bye, well it sounds more like buh buh, but I'll take it. He says Dadda and Momma and pulls hair really hard...LOL.
He could very possibly get the chicken pox before he is even a year old. Yep, there is a kid at his babysitters that is out this week and next week because he has it. I was just telling that little boy to stay out of Greyson's face last week because he (the little boy) had a bad runny nose..ugh! So, what I mean by that is Greyson has been in contact with him for sure. I called the Pediatrician to clarify some things about chicken pox. You are contagious 14-16 days before even breaking out with them. He is contagious until the sores are scabbed over...yuck. The early signs of getting them are low fever and cold like symptoms. OMGosh, please pray for my son. He has been sick enough in his first 10 months of like. In fact he is sick right now, which makes me scared about him getting this chicken pox CRAP. He has a severe runny nose. Oh please God don't let me son get the chicken pox.
On a happier subject, yesterday was Tami's 39th birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMI!!! We all went to her house for a birthday party/BBQ yesterday. It was really nice. WE went over and Greyson got presents instead. Tami had gone garage selling in really nice neighborhoods. She scored, she got a highchair for her house for Greyson, and a car that Greyson can sit it. It's awesome, he didn't want to get out of it yesterday!!