Dec 29, 2009
It's so hard to say goodbye.....

Sep 27, 2009

On to a more chipper note, I got this crazy hair and decided to see if Portrait Innovations had any appointments open yesterday. Luckily they did, so I took Greyson for his 3 yr pictures. Mom went with us and I think I bought more because she went..haha but I love them all. He had the photographer laughing at him so many times. We were the last appointment and she was having so much fun with him, she didn't care how long we were there.

Aug 27, 2009
Where the heck have I been????
Rachel and JD Huse have finally gotten pregnant after trying for a very long time. I am thrilled to announce that! Most of my blog readers probably know them. So, if you're a prayer, please add them to your prayers for a healthy 9 mos. I know the baby will be gorgeous no matter what with their looks. Their daughter Lorelai is a doll and very smart!
Last Greyson turned 3 on August 25th! We can't believe he is that old already. Why must it fly by? I love every single day with him and feel blessed to be his mommy. Since his birthday fell on a weekday I called a great friend, Angie McCarthy, and asked her to join us at Chuck E. Cheese's. We had so much fun! So, thanks Angie, Collin, and Austin for coming and celebrating his birthday with us!

I sure hope they last a while....

This Saturday we will have his birthday party with my family at the park. I rented a Spongebob cake pan, this should be very interesting.I didn't plan on making the cake but my sister Tami thinks we should......oh my! Then today when Greyson and I checked the mail, there was a surprise from Rachel and Lorelai in there! Rachel made Greyson a shirt and crayon holder! What a sweetie! I love surprises! Here is a picture of him with both of them.

I am going to try to get back on the blogging bandwagon, but I can't make any promises....
May 25, 2009
Apr 13, 2009
Dressed and ready to go
Pictures I took with Aunt Tam's camera
Apr 12, 2009
Someone Must've Been A Good Boy
He was checking it out big time. He got some race cars, baseball caps, a bunny ink pen, and tons of fattening candy. I say that because you know who will end up eating most of it.
Aunt Tam and Grammy both had baskets for him loaded with toys and candy. Aunt Tam bought this flute that makes the most beautiful music, can you see me making an annoyed face? Picture it if not.
I am not sure what he was doing here, but I thought he looked cute.

Apr 9, 2009
So far so good!
Easter is this Sunday and Greyson will get less that day because he saw his basket in the back of my car. DARNIT! I tried to hide it even. I got him a basket that had a basketball and a soccer ball. He has been stealing the neighbors basketball and bringing in the house. He loves it! Well anyway, I was putting him in his car seat and he says, "Mom, is that my basketball?" I was like oh crap. I told him that he would get it if he was a good little boy and that the Easter bunny was watching him. That lasted all of 10 minutes and Daddy came home, we gave in. Carlos was like, "He doesn't know the difference between today and Sunday." Sooooooo, he played all night with his basketball in the living room.
Anyway, that's all the boring news I have for now. Have a fantastic Easter! Remember what the day is all about.
Mar 31, 2009
Wish us luck!