Jul 18, 2006

Almost 33 weeks

Well, last Thursday I went to the Dr and found out that I will be induced at 39 weeks unless something happens sooner. I wouldn't be upset about that as long as he's ready to come out. I can't believe how tired I am. I don't want to go to work, put on make-up, nothing. I am out of breath, he has taken over officially. I blow dry my hair and don't fix it anymore, I barely put on eyeliner. What has happened to me? I apologized to the people at work for making them see me like this everyday, LOL. I hope I will want to look better after he gets here. Or else, he is gonna have one pathetic looking Momma. I wondered what it was going to be like to be tired and done at the end, well it's starting!! I can do it, YES I CAN!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do not look pathetic, girl! You have natural beauty - you don't even need makeup! Why did they decide to induce you? And, how is it that you're almost done with this pregnancy? I feel like you just found out you were pregnant!! I remember week 17 when you started this blog! I'm so excited for you. I bet you can't WAIT to meet him!