Well, I went to my 34 week check today, I am measuring bigger than I should. At 29 weeks I measured 29 weeks, at 32 weeks I measured at 37 weeks and today at my 34 week I measured at a huge 39.5 weeks. My Dr. was saying that he will induce me at 39 weeks before, but today he said that we are going to do an ultrasound at my 38 week visit and if the baby weighs over 4000 grams he will do a c-section. Part of me hopes he is 4000 grams but part of me would like to have a natural childbirth also. I am so mixed about it at this time. It's really in God's hands and he will make the final decision. I just want Greyson to be ready when it comes. I don't want to have to keep him in the NICU for ANY reason at all. I had another Non Stress Test again today, it was perfect. They said Greyson is moving around in there a lot. He got the hiccups while we were doing it, and I could hear Greyson jumping in there. It was so cute. So, 4 more weeks for sure, and 5 if he isn't weighing to big. We'll have to wait and see!