I woke up this morning and could barely make it to the bathroom in time. I could feel the "stuff" gushing out. As soon as I got to toilet I knew it was what was needing to pass. I actually looked at it...ewww. But I had to. After that happened, I was in severe pain. It was so bad I called the DR on call. She called me in a pain medicine and said the cramping should really lighten up. Well, it didn't, it just kept getting more severe and painful. I was so clammy feeling and couldn't make myself comfortable any way. My Mom came over with breakfast and I had to leave her in the kitchen and go lay down. I laid down for a couple of hours and didn't fall asleep once. She went home and told me to call her if I needed to. It hurt so bad, all the cramping. So, finally I called my Mom and asked her to take me to the ER. She came over and brought me right away. I sat in the waiting area sweating my ass off and feeling sick from the pain for about 40 minutes. I felt they weren't taking me serious enough, but I finally got in. After I got in the room I sat in there for another 2 hours uncomfortable and restless, asking for pain medicine. When the DR finally got in there he did a pelvic exam which made it worse and then he said he was gonna have the on call DR come in and give me a D&C and I would be admitted over night. So, Mom called my boss to tell her what was going on. I finally got some Dilotin, not sure if I spelled that right or not. It made me feel better instantly. But that lasted only about an hour. He said it was a short acting drug...gee thanks....Then the DR came back in and told me that he wanted me to wait to see my OB tomorrow. So things changed so fast. I don't know if it's because it's the holiday weekend and no one wanted to come in? I was at a hospital that my OB didn't go to, but still, someone could have come in. So, tomorrow I will be going to see my OB. I feel like I have already passed everything. Now I am just doing some really heavy bleeding and cramping. He sent me home with some extra strength Vicodin. It isn't very strong at all, but I am scared to take more than it says. Anyway, that's what is going on with me. I am going back to bed hoping when I wake up the cramps will have lessened......ugh...this has been so terrifying. I have felt like I was dying today! Seriously...