My dog, Minnie has been missing since 7:00 this morning. The last I saw her she was trying to get to some BIG dogs to the left of us. I had to go to work. Carlos was off today due to so much rain last night, so he drove around the neighborhood looking for her a few times. I got off at 12, and came home looking for her. A couple of people in the neighborhood saw her this morning and tried to catch her but she ran from them. So, she has been missing for all of 6 1/2 hours now and I am starting to feel pretty sure that she won't be back. Normally she is back within minutes. So, this is a first for us and her. If we don't find her, then I will be upset. I hope that she will find her way home or that she isn't suffering!

We just got back from taking Greyson to his Dr's appt for a flu shot and I decided to do one last drive through the neighborhood. I was going really slow and a guy pulled up next to me and asked me if I knew anyone looking for a little dog. I said yes and he asked me to describe her. So I did and he said that his Mom found her this morning around 7:30 on a busy street by my house. So he gave me her phone number and I called her. She made me describe her also. I guess they didn't want just anybody claiming her. They had just got done putting signs up in my neighborhood that they had found a small dog. She said that everyone on the busy street stopped their cars to try and catch her...oh brother.....