Ok, so it's been a while since I posted about this little one baking in my belly. But, I am getting really excited about him. Did you catch that? I said him.... YIPPEE!! Carlos wanted a little son so bad, and here I'm bakin one for him, LOL. Now I found out at 17 weeks that this was a boy. I am so scared that I am going to go to another ultrasound (like this Thursday) and they will tell me it looks like a girl. I will scream. So, I have come up with a name, ready, here we go, Greyson Carlos. So, what do you think? I know it's different, and that's what I love about it. I don't want a name that's common. And so there we have it. Greyson Carlos is due in September but I'm sure he will be here some time in August. We haven't really been doing much to prepare for Greyson, mainly because I wanted another confirmation that it is a Greyson and not a Gretchin, LOL. I couldn't take that excitement back from his papa, Carlos. So, This Thursday we will post again telling you how our anatomy screening went. Last week I had some blood work done to make sure there isn't any brain or spine defects, all was good there!! That is exciting. You don't realize how scary that is until you are waiting for the results. OK, I am done rambeling, and I will post more later!!