Nov 6, 2008

See anything wrong with these pictures?

Did you figure it out?
If not I am talking about Greyson's binky. At his two year check up I asked his pediatrician if she had any ideas for us successfully getting it away from him. She recommended two things, taking it away cold turkey and also cutting the tip off slowly. I tried the second one about a month ago. He threw his binky on the floor when he was mad at me and it went behind him in his highchair. So, I took it and cut a little off the top and gave it to him. I told him he broke it when he threw it and that went over like a fart in church. He told me no, and that he wanted "other one". So, we are back to square one. If you have any suggestions for us to try, please let us know. People are starting to stare at him. I fear I will be in the store with him at the age of 14 with this thing still hanging out of his mouth! Now that's a scary thought.


Cindy said...

Well, I had those things too. And if you are going to do cold turkey make sure there are none hidden. I had so many and my son would hide them. So when I took them away he would always go find a back up! I think cold turkey is the best. Eventually he will forget about them. Justin now sees pictures of himself with them and says "hey, it's my greenie" and smiles. Lol

AliciaDawn said...

I know, how does that happen? I won't be able to find any and then I'll turn around and he'll have one in his mouth.

Shelley said...

I only say that if he's not ready, don't push it too much. Megan got rid of hers cold turkey (we took them to Walmart, they went in the trash and she got to pick a toy in exchange) and still a year later, she's sucking on her hands when she is upset or needs comfort. I'd rather have the plug! :) Sorry I'm not more help!

Autumn said...

One of the things that we did with Orion from the start was only let him have his binky when he was in bed. That might be a start? At least then, if he's 4 and still wants it, it won't be in public. hehe If he wants his binky, he can have it, but that means he has to be in his crib (which he's not fond of if he's awake). If Grayson is in a regular bed, you could always just say he has to sit on his bed if he wants it (if that would work). Pretty soon, he'll get bored and realize that if he wants to be up and playing that he has to lose the bink.

Tiffany said...

I agree with Autumn, start by only letting him have it in bed-naps and night time. Then stop giving it at naps, and then eventually at nap. We got lucky, Caely gave hers up pretty easy. She had a speech delay, so we stopped letting her have it during the day around 14/15 months I think. I can't remember when I finally took them away at rest times also, I just remember that it was easy. I didn't let her have it for a nap once, and she slept fine, so I went ahead and tried her that night without it, and she did fine then to! So I just threw them all out and that was it.

AliciaDawn said...

We are trying to do bed time and naps only. But sometimes when he gets crabby, he gets it.

Anonymous said...

Um....Hayley still has paci but we keep working on it in stages. Now she isn't allowed to take it out of the house and she can only use it if she's on the couch or in bed. I'm not into that cold turkey thing!

Kim said...

Binky or no binky...your boy is CUTE! Both my niece and nephew were binky sister weaned them slowly. Got them down to just nap and bed time. The kids had to leave their binky in the bed. Good luck!

Jen said...

We pulled our older 2's "B" and did it cold turkey. It will be a hard 3-4 days but it was totally worth it. We will be doing it again starting on January 1 with Lincoln. He will be 2 on the 9th and I am tired of that darn thing....I say cold turkey.

Or I have also heard of having a cutting party. Play it up big...go to the store, let Grey pick out some scissors. Practice cutting paper, paper plates, playdough, and then, bring out all the "B's" and have him cut them all up himself.

This worked for a gf of mine. I have never done it....Good luck!!